BSIC Webinar – The Future of Decentralized Identity

When – June 26, 2020

Where – Online webinar


Join us for a discussion with Rouven Heck, Executive Director of the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) and Identity Lead at ConsenSys

Register here.


About this Event

DIF is developing the foundational components of an open, standards-based, decentralized identity ecosystem for people, organizations, apps, and devices.

About DIF :

DIF Provides a neutral and inclusive place for the decentralized identity community to collaborate.

  • Cultivates ideas & emerging specifications by enabling industry-wide discussions, experimentation (testing of hypothesis) and demonstration of interoperability.
  • Encourages a contribution led approach based on open source code contributions to developing an interoperable identity stack composed which can be used and adopted without restrictions.
  • Collaborates closely with standardization bodies to ensure more matured concepts or specifications can be formalized standards in the most suitable organizations.