Social movements Take Control: Transforming Governments and Governance


Social Movements Take Control: Transforming Governments and Governance Local governments are increasingly being called to action around the world, while also balancing limited resources with delivering critical services to their needed constituents. With the onslaught of mass change in city mobility and urban density, our global urban communities are increasingly subject to “black swan” events, or socio-economic shocks. These “black swan” events often strain the fragile and [...]

Social movements Take Control: Transforming Governments and Governance2020-11-07T17:07:54+00:00

Putting People first: the Biometric Ethics Quandary


Putting People First: Implementing Biometrics Ethically Biometrics are celebrated for being among the most accessible, ever-present, and authoritative methods of proving one’s identity. However, recent privacy abuses and security breaches of biometrics data have caused widespread concerns, bringing some to reject the value of this approach entirely.  Biometrics is one of those technologies that brings significant user-friendliness to the devices we carry with us and use at [...]

Putting People first: the Biometric Ethics Quandary2020-10-26T15:30:24+00:00

2020 Earth Day Incubator – Takeaways and Observation


  2020 Earth Day Virtual Incubator Takeaways  Blockchain for Social Impact (BSIC) has been hosting incubators and hackathons since 2017 - and each time, we've found inspiration, purpose and an evolving view of what success is for these events. Traditionally, incubators and hackathons were forums for diverse minds and ideas, with complementary skill sets, to collaborate efficiently and build solutions - in our case, focusing on key [...]

2020 Earth Day Incubator – Takeaways and Observation2020-10-26T15:33:31+00:00